Responsive Design

The #1 reason you need a new website.

According to, over 50% of all daily web traffic originates from mobile devices. It is imperative that your company's website is designed with mobile device compatibility as a priority. A reponsive design website adjusts seamlessly to any screen size and moves/hides certain elements that are taking up too much room on the smallest of screens. If your website is not optimized for mobile devices, every one of your visitors will be immediately frustrated by the negative experience of browsing your website from their mobile phone.

No Website? No Problem.

Get started the right way.

Whether you already have a website and you want it upgraded or you don't have a website at all, I want to work with you. I can advise you on a domain name and help you decide on a website design based on the needs of your individual business. Contact me today and we will get started immediately.

Tailored for SEO

Kickstart your traffic from Google Searches.

Standing out among the crowd of millions of other websites on the internet is daunting. Increasing the chances of new customers finding your website is critical, and it starts with your website's code. Building a website that is search-engine and SEO friendly is the key to standing out among your competition.

Modern Standards

A modern website shows you're an attractive modern business.

Your website will be designed using the latest standardized methods. Depending on your needs I will choose the back-end that is most approrpriate for your business. Examples include Wordpress and Bootstrap 4.0. Your website will be designed using no-mess code that can be extended for additional pages or new features without duplicating work and wasting billable time.

Personalized for You

Every business has unique needs.

Don't know where to start with a website for your business? No Problem! You don't need to have all the answers. Let's talk over the phone or meet in person to discuss the needs of your business. From a "no frills" back to basics website to the most robust small business needs, I will get you on the right path towards a successful user-friendly website.

Intuitive Layout

Boost your numbers and earn your customers' confindence.

You can trust that your new website will be designed with an intuitive layout that your visitors will love. A confusing website is a quick way to frustrate potential customers.

Service & Consulting

Get the help and advice you need.

Don't know where to start with a new website? You will receive guidance for how to structure your website, what belongs on which page and what information to include/exclude.


Every website needs to be easy to update and maintain.

Websites don't have to be set in stone. Your website will always be built with expansion in mind so that we can update your website with new information or additional pages down the road.

SSL Ready

Compliance is required.

Did you know that your website is required to be HTTPS/SSL compliant by the end of 2018? Any website which is not compliant will have a forboding "Not Secure!" warning displayed clearly to visitors by all modern web browsers. Your new website will be fully HTTPS/SSL compliant, giving your visitors the utmost peace of mind.

Focus on Your Business

Making a website is complicated

Don't sink time into trying to learn website design on those "do it yourself" website-in-a-box services. Focus on your business instead of your website by hiring a web designer to do it right the first time. There are many common pitfalls to avoid for a website, and I will guide you around them.

Colors Matter

The key to your brand.

Let me know what colors you use for your business and they will be incorporated into your website. Colors are a key part of brand recognition and your website should reflect your brand as much as possible.

Contact Forms

Your customers want to contact you on their own terms.

Every business website needs to provide a method of contact for visitors. The most common way is a simple "Contact Us" page that visitors can use to submit questions or start a dialogue with you. Need something more complex? I can set up specific questions visitors must answer alongside their contact message.